If you've ever lost your voice, or developed one of those awkward high-pitched squeaks, you'll have experienced first-hand how much we all rely on being able to talk. It’s part of who we are. It’s how people recognise us. It’s how we get things done. Why, then, do so many companies seem content with their ropey old business voice?
Voice is the combination of the words you use and how you use them. It’s one of the most powerful business tools around, and here are three reasons why:
1. Being unique and distinctive
A voice that properly captures the personality of your business and its culture is unique. You don’t sound like anyone else at a networking event, so why should your business? Your history, motivation and way of working are at the heart of what you do and they can make you stand out. Get your business voice right and people will notice and remember you.
2. Building relationships
It’s very hard to build a relationship with facts and bullet points – I bet you’ve never fallen for someone based on a PowerPoint presentation of their attributes. Communicating with personality changes the way that people react to what you are saying. Building rapport with readers and browsers encourages them to linger and subtly influences their decision making processes. Get the relationship right and you won’t have to work so hard on the cold logic of what you are selling.
3. Singing from the same hymn sheet (and other clichés)
When you have several teams or offices, getting everyone to feel and act like they work for the same organisation can be a really tough job. More importantly, customers do not like inconsistency and your brand is dead without it. While you work on building the culture and processes that bind growing businesses together, use a single compelling voice with the outside world. Your customers will hear the unity and so will your people.
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